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Filtration - Storm King Artist Residency

Location: Storm King Art Center, New Windsor, NY

Critic: Andrew Saunders

rendered reconstruction process of construction/deconstruction generative taskboard model


Given the project of an artist's residency, it is only natural to start with art. Using Antoine Pevsner's Developable Column as a launching point, I examined and deciphered the internal workings of the sculpture and how it related to form and volume: An “inverse column”, a column created from the surrounded void; Volume created from surface, the notion of a “developable surface”; weight, solidity, both independent of actual mass.

Stacked taskboard model

From Sculpture to Form

Lying on the site of the Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, NY, one must be careful not to overshadow the existing museum buildings and sculptural works scattered throughout the grounds. Specifically located on the hill falling away from the current Musem Center, amongst the Alexander Calder collection, I sought to embed the structure into the ground, a direct extension of the rolling landscape.

Polygonal sectional model


While the form was indeed provocative, it was still only a sculpture - it needed to be made accessible. I wanted to keep the openings throughout the form as both visual and physical access points, “whirlpools” or “lightwells.” The main entry remained as a scoop down from the existing buildings, with the porous form allowing visitors to easily filter through the entire building, entering the space without being inside.

Lower (studio) level Middle (public) level Upper (residency) level

For privacy, the artist's living spaces were located at the highest level, with living quarters facing out and communal spaces facing in. Studio space would then be located below – the public would quite literally move through the entire structure, but those actually in residence would be able to maintain their private work.

Exterior render, from above (existing museum building) Night render, from below looking up Interior render of studio space

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